Sunday 19 July 2015

8 Reasons for The Success Democracy

1. Represents the people

DDD  The biggest advantage and the most important reason for success of a democracy is that it represents the masses, a democratic government is said to be for the people and by people and it is the most popular form of government in this present day world. In a democracy the voter is the supreme monarch who is free to choose who represents him and his voice at the biggest level, and the elected representatives who represent a majority of the people are a result of free and fair elections.  A government is formed by virtue of these elected representatives who represent the people who elected them and lend a voice to the grievances of these people at the highest level present in the country mostly the parliament.

2. Better Governance 

Democratic government is always having its own powers and importance thus increasing the efficiency of the governance. Democracy is all about having checks at each stage by the parliament, the people themselves, the media and not to forget the ever ready opposition waiting for a chance to blow fire. So with all these eyes on them any wrong step will surely invite scathing criticism which is the last thing that any government will ask for.


3. Respects and promotes human rights

If there is one thing that puts a democracy above all the others forms of government then it must surely be the unique feature of a democracy where in all its citizens are entitled for the basic rights right from their birth and these rights are respected by the government and they are also protected under law so that none of its citizens can be denied their birthrights.

4. Freedom of speech and press

A unique feature of democracy which it boasts of is the “Freedom of Speech” that it provides as a birthright to all its citizens, Freedom of speech is the core of any democracy and it increases the peoples participation in the proceedings of the decision making process. Any individual part of the democracy can speak what he seems is right and can even question and criticize the government in particular without any fear as in other forms of government like monarchy. Freedom of press is the fundamental basis on which a democracy is pivoted and without which a democracy can’t be conceived.

5. Social Equality and diversity

When it comes to equality among the masses, a democracy doesn’t show any partiality among its citizens. In a democracy there is no discrimination and everyone is equal before the law irrespective of his caste, creed, gender, color, religion or ethnicity. A democracy provides equal opportunities to all its citizens and everyone is free to follow his own choice of god and is allowed to practice any religion that he likes without any interference from any type of external forces.  A democracy enables people from diverse backgrounds to live freely and collectively as fellow citizens, brothers and sisters and keeps the nation united.

6. Accountability

Agreed that a democracy if by the people and for the people and the common man elects his representative, but the game doesn’t end here, the elected representative  is accountable to the common man who had voted for him and who is the prime reason why he sits in the highest office.  In the absence of any proper vigilance the government is sure to be perverted. So accountability to the common man, the Supreme Court of law and other watch dogs who constantly keep a vigil on the day to day activities of the government make this form of government a huge success and widely acceptable among people. 

7. Open Public debate on major decisions

Open public debates are nothing new to democratic institutions, by public debate we mean a series of public forums where a common man comes and participates expressing his views, grievances, opinions and interests on the issues concerning the whole of nation. Doing so puts forward lots of views, information, arguments and counter arguments which are all discussed weighed upon and a consensus is drawn. 

8. A written constitution

Constitution is a document having a set of rules about how a country must be run and its citizens protected. A written constitution grants and safeguards the birthrights of all the people against any encroachments and keeps the principles of democracy alive by protecting them. It also keeps the government and its allied institutions in their respective scope of power and prevents them from any misuse of power according to their own whims. 

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